Alimentary canal organs, length, parts, layers & functions, Digestive System: Histology of the Alimentary Canal …
Digestive System: Histology of the Alimentary Canal …
Alimentary Canal – Structure and Functions Of Alimentary Canal, On the mucosa layer, small finger-like projections called villi and microvilli help to increase surface area for nutrient absorption. Layers of GI tissue: Note the mucosa , located at the innermost layer. Layers of Tissue Within the Mucosa Since the mucosa is the innermost layer within the GI tract, it surrounds an open space known as the lumen.
7/22/2019 · The lamina propria is a loose areolar or reticular connective tissue containing many blood and lymphatic vessels, whose capillaries nourish the lining epithelium and are the routes by which nutrients absorbed into the alimentary canal reach the other tissues of the body. The lamina propria contains most of the mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), which defends against invasion by.
4/28/2017 · Intestines – Part of the alimentary canal which extracts nutrients and water from the material inside. Pharynx – A special tube which connects the mouth to the esophagus. Coelom – A cavity within the body, which helps separate the organs and circulatory systems, but never opens to …