The Eastern Wastes can be reached in two ways. The first is to cross the Great Span from the Icy Fingers. The base of this massive bridge is located at loc -4500, -3780. The other way in and out of the Eastern Wastes is to pass to the Great Divide way to the west.
Site with maps and guides to travelling the world of Everquest by Sony and Verant Interactive. Return to Atlas Page. EASTERN WASTES . Location Key 1 Coldain Camp with Drummon Coldshanks: 2 Ruined Houses with Ry’Gorr and Giant Guards and Corbin Blackwell:, Enter a custom location to show on the map : 431 POI’s in Eastern Wastes : UID: Name: Type /Loc: Submitter: Date: 65450: wood plank: Quest update location, EQ Map Preserve: Eastern Wastelands (eastwastes) maps BACK TO INDEX [[ HOME ~ /IMAGES ~ /ATLAS ~ /EVERLORE ~ /MANUAL]] [ Ak’Anon ~ Befallen ~ BlackBurrow ~ Burning Woods ~ Butcherblock Mtns ~ Cabilis ~ Cazic-Thule ~ Chardok ~ City of Mist ~ Cobalt Scar ~ Crushbone ~ Crystal Caverns ~ Dagnor’s Cauldron ~ Dalnir ~ Dragon Necropolis ~ Dreadlands ~ Droga ~ E. Commons ~ E. Karana ~ E. Wastes …
98 rows · 5/9/2020 · Traveling To and From Eastern Wastes . The Eastern Wastes can be.
The Eastern Wastes is the entry zone to the Torment of Velious expansion. Here you can find Spell vendors, Augmentation vendors, and Item vendors. Re: The Eastern Wastes Overview By: Wadin Pureheart On: December 30, 2019, 08:33:55 AM, This is an official community team project supported by Current Stats: There are currently 39,551 points of interest on 1,428 maps .
12/8/2020 · * Ry`Gorr Mines – partial zone map . * The Eastern Wastes – more details. Quest/Raid NPC’s added. Added the ring patches coming out from Sleeper’s Tomb area. These areas usually contain see-invis Dracoliches. Line optimizer took file from 12,590 lines down to 2,706. Number will go back up as I add houses and other fixed features. 2019.10.19, The Eastern Wastes Overview -=- Quests and Missions (By quest name) -=- Quests and Missions (By NPC name) -=- Named All Info Click on any named to view it’s loot list, spells / abilities, PH information, and spawn location!, Head to The Eastern Wastes and Turn in the Tusk to Crusader Vraket (as indicated by on the map ) Have Crusader Vraket ‘bless’ the tusk 0/1 (The Eastern Wastes ) Head to The Eastern Wastes and Turn in the Tusk to Crusader Vraket (as indicated by on the map )